© 1997 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi Journal, Vol. 19, no. 5, September-October 1997, pp. 20-21.
Apple Computer has contracted with a company called Market Source to produce a road show to showcase the latest computers, accessories, and support tools from Apple Computer for families, students, and small business. There are two road show teams. They will visit a total of 34 different cities throughout the nation. One team will tour the northern tier states, the other the southern tier. The campaign will highlight Apple’s capability to produce powerful and technologically innovative products that are simple enough for everyone to use and enjoy. The sets are designed to be inviting to people of all ages and backgrounds (especially high school students and young families). The show will be presented at a major regional mall in your area. The layout at each mall is such that one is ready to jump into the action and explore the world of Apple Computers.
Each mall show will run Friday through Sunday in your city. Five interactive demonstration kiosks will offer you hands-on access to the latest Apple products. Each kiosk will highlight exciting new capabilities of Apple products. In addition, there is a full schedule of live stage performances throughout the day showcasing Apple products and participating software developers. The Apple Product Gallery will offer additional product information and higher-end Apple Computer products. And an Information Counter will serve as a common area for sweepstakes entries, product literature and user group location.
Six computers are represented at the show: the hot new 6500 PowerMac; the 4400/PC Power Mac, one of the only PC compatible computers on the market which offers small business owners the opportunity to run their entire business on one computer; the 1400 and 3400 series PowerBooks; the eMate, Apple’s new mobile computer primarily used in a learning environment; and, the Apple Anniversary Macintosh. The StyleWriter and LaserWriter printers will be there for you to sample. Peripheral devices such as Apple’s Quick Take Digital Camera and Color One Scanner will be demonstrated so that you can see just how easy it is to use these products in conjunction with all of Apple’s new computers.
Once at the mall, you will find five themed solution stations located throughout the event; Play, Create, Go, Work and Learn. The “PLAY” station theme is one of entertainment, music, and games. Software titles included are You Don’t Know Jack Movies, Quake and CyberSound Studio. Over at the “CREATE” station, the focus will be on multimedia. Video editing, image enhancing and web site creation will be demonstrated through the likes of PhotoDeluxe, Kai’s PowerGoo and Avid Cinema software. For people on the move, the event will have a “GO” station with products catered towards mobile capabilities, the Apple PowerBook will be featured. For general productivity and PC compatibility, the “WORK” station will feature recognizable software titles such as Netscape’s Communicator. For educational
Here is a representative sample of the outstanding applications you can try: PhotoDeluxe Avid Cinema Family Tree Maker Deluxe II Netscape Communicator Kai’s Power Goo Arthur’s Reading Race Claris for Kids Photo Deluxe Cybersound Studio Math for the Real World Ultimate Power Mac CD-ROM You Don’t Know Jack Movies Quake Web Workshop Virtual Pool Street Atlas
You can learn the location and time that one of the road show teams will be near you at http: //www. apple.com/roadshow