The U.S. Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan, was built to meet the very high standards of the Japanese government, with particular attention paid to earthquake and fire hazards. The five-story building is massively built, but also includes such things as evacuation chutes. In case of emergency, a box — located under window — opens to reveal a fabric tube. You toss it out the window and then slide down.
“Who was going to test the 5-A fire escape chute?” wondered Facilities Engineer LT Barron. Luckily, he wondered aloud to Director For Administration LCDR J.D. Chapman II. So, when push came to shove, LCDR Chapman was the first to volunteer. “It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it.” Scanned image from newspaper. “Wait a minute, Bob, are those blood stains down there?” Scanned image from newspaper. Rear Admiral Nielubowicz shares a laugh with Lieutenant Commander Charters and Captain Spellman. The box under the window, with instructions in Japanese and English, holds the evacuation slide when not in use. Scanned image from newspaper.