Contemporary Software was a software-only store in La Jolla, California. The only software sold was for the Apple Macintosh, and when it was founded, the Macintosh was the “cool” computer, as opposed to rather pedestrian MS-DOS-based machines (Windows really had not caught on yet) and the rapidly disappearing CP/M-based computers. This newsletter was designed to give customers not only a sense of what was available but also tips on how to use what they had.
A rocky economy and prediction of Apple’s approaching doom, plus the rise of “big box” computer stores like CompUSA, Sun Computers and others, doomed Contemporary Software.
Today, almost every single microcomputer hardware competitor has pretty much vanished, and the old “big box” computer chain stores have vanished. Windows is still around, but Microsoft is not the dominant force it was in 1990.
- Contemporary Software News Volume 1, Number 1, Spring 1989, 3 MB
- Contemporary Software News, Volume 1, Number 2, Summer 1989, 5.2 MB
- Contemporary Software News, Volume 1, Number 3, Fall 1989, 5.3 MB
- Contemporary Software News, Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1990, 6.4 MB