Okawa Shumei, defendant, International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Born 6 December 1886; died 24 December 1957. Graduated Philosophy Department, Tokyo Imperial University (1911); Doctor of Laws (1926); imprisoned for role in the assassination of Prime Minister Inukai Ki (June 1932 — October 1937); President, Gyochisha {Society of Action]; President, Jimmukai [Jimmu Society]; member, Kokuryukai [Amur River Society]; advisor, Aikoku Kinroto [Patriotic Labor Party]; advisor, Kokka Shakai Shugi Gakumei [National Socialist League]. Arrested 1 December 1945. Charged on twenty-six counts , held unfit for trial by reason of insanity, name stricken from indictment; placed in asylum for the insane (9 June 1946), released 24 December 1948.