Matsuoka Yosuke

Matsuoka Yosuke, defendant, International Military Tribunal for the Far East

Born 4 March 1880; died 27 June 1946. Graduated Law School, University of Oregon (June 1900); Acting Consul, Shanghai (May 1904); Third Secretary, Japanese Legation in Belgium (December 1908); Second Secretary, Japanese Legation in China (September 1910); Second Secretary, Japanese Embassy to Russia (August 1912); First Secretary, Japanese Embassy in U.S. (July 1916); member, Peace Plenipotentiary Party [Pari s] (February 1919); Consul General at Fuchuo (May 1920); Director, South Manchurian Railway Company [SMRR] (4 July 1921 — 19 July 1927); Vice President, SMRR (19 July 1927 — 21 June 1929); Vice Governor, SMRR (21 June 1929 — 17 August 1929); elected to House of Representatives, Imperial Diet (February 1930); Ambassador Extraordinary to League of Nations (11 October 1932 — 8 May 1933); resigned from Diet (December 1933); President, SMRR (2 August 1935 — 24 March 1939); Foreign Minister, Second Konoe Cabinet (22 July 1940 — 18 July 1941); Overseas Minister, Second Konoe Cabinet (22 July 1940 — 28 September 1940). Arrested 17 November 1945; designated war criminal by U.S., U.K., and China; hospitalized 13 June 1946. Charged on forty-two counts; died during trial, name stricken from indictment.